I found this Planters Trail Mix on sale at Albertson’s for only $1.00. I couldn’t pass up such a great deal, so I bought a few bags. It’s a unique combination of ingredients – honey roasted peanuts, yogurt flavored raisins, peanut brittle, cashews, pretzels, and caramel popcorn. Honestly, I didn’t think it would work. Surprisingly, it does. The peanut brittle pieces, which you normally don’t find in trail mix, are what really make it good. The rest of the ingredients are also very tasty. There are five other varieties of Planters Trail Mix, but I recommend trying Honey Nut & Caramel first.
Phoood rating:
soft and chewy and a little salty at the bottom of the bag. Better deals are probably out there. I felt as though I were eating alot of raisins with a few crunchies. It was ok,....but as I picked up a small bag 6 oz for about 2 dollars I was wondering if I was getting my money's worth.
Posted by: Jeff at November 10, 2005 4:46 PMHm... I remember seeing this on a grocery trip to Albertson's a few weeks back too. I've always bought the "non-branded" type of trailmix that's just a plastic bag with a nearly generic label. Those are OK but tend to not have much flavor sometimes. I like Planter's nuts so I'd be willing to give this a shot if it was on sale for a buck like you said.
Posted by: Bryan at November 11, 2005 12:03 PMthats looks grody!
I picked up a different one that was on sale at Savon that I think had almonds, sunflower seeds, raisins and maybe pepitas ... I think cranberries. Anyway, super good and an excellent price.
Posted by: cybele at November 17, 2005 5:35 PMI love this product - I'm totally addicted to it.
I buy a bag every three or four days.
I buy Nuts, Seeds & raisins Trail Mix all the time.....its very good and low in sugar....but when you get to the bottom of the bag its only seeds......not very tasty....you should consider making more that is low in sugar.....
Posted by: DEBBIE VANN at February 9, 2006 8:36 AMThis is a great snack! I tried it because I'm a lover of nuts and I think its so tasty!! I'm over here in Iraq so anything this good is a real treat for me. I need more people to send me some of this its just that good!
Posted by: LaShawn at March 22, 2006 3:10 AMI love this mix but can't find it anywhere close by. I live in mid Illinois. Help?
Posted by: Tina at March 30, 2006 3:01 PMi want to order some of this trail mix but dont know where i can purchase it at could you please help me..
Posted by: at April 16, 2006 3:06 PMi am looking to buy some of this and i am from nebraska and dont know where to find it at, can you please help me anyone??
Posted by: lincey at April 16, 2006 3:24 PMPlanters peanuts yogurt and caramel mixture is AWESOME!!!!I'm totally ADDICTED TO IT...I pick out all the cashews, pretzel sticks and peanut brittle first then eat my way through the rest of the bag.....I wish they would sell the peanut brittle by itself........I've even started adding mote cashews to the nad to help it last a little longer.......Plkanters, keep making up the good combinations. But also add the specialized ingrediants that can be bought separately....
Posted by: sharon at May 16, 2006 7:46 AMUgh... You know that stuff has like 120 calories PER TABLESPOON.
Posted by: Rylan at June 18, 2006 8:11 AMi love love love love this tm ita da bomb!(no one sez that anymore) ha ha
Posted by: at November 8, 2006 5:40 PMtrail mix is all i eat for snacks i love them
Posted by: Danielle at November 24, 2006 12:31 PM