I’m always searching for the best tasting diet soda. My current favorite is Pepsi Max, but with about fifty percent more caffeine than other sodas I like, I only drink it occasionally because I want to be able to go to sleep at night. So, I was excited to find Dr. Pepper Ten on my grocer’s shelves. “10 Bold Tasting Calories, Same 23 Authentic Flavors” is how Dr. Pepper Ten is advertised, obviously a suggestion that it tastes similar to regular Dr. Pepper. The claim is not that far from reality. Dr. Pepper Ten has a real nice flavor that is pretty close to regular Dr. Pepper. It has a bit of that “diet soda” taste, but not much. The drink’s high fructose corn syrup (the source of the 10 calories, I would guess) probably takes some of the edge off of the aspartame taste. Dr. Pepper fans who would like to limit their calories and diet soda drinkers should give Dr. Pepper Ten a try. It’s one of the best tasting diet sodas you can find.
Phoood rating:
Where did you find this? I want to try it but I couldn't find it at either of the grocery stores I like to shop at.
Posted by: Rachel at September 2, 2011 9:37 AMI'm in the DFW area, and we still can't get it here. I've had to "import" it from Colorado Springs and Austin when we visit family.
Posted by: Kyle at September 8, 2011 8:31 AMi love dr.pepper it is good
Posted by: mackenzie at September 8, 2011 9:10 AMUmmm, why this when Diet Dr. Pepper is readily available?
Posted by: Mark at September 17, 2011 6:24 AMI tried the latest Dr. Pepper soda the other day...and now I can't get enough of it, it seems like. Being a diabetic, most every diet soda, has a bitter, or funky after taste. Not this time. the DP-10, has a bit of a kick to it, but goes down smooth. And best of all, you don't have to feel as if you are drinking something "diet-y".
I did the comparison shopping/taste test: regular,
unleaded, and DP-10...and found I liked the dp-10 the best. If you are luck to have this soda in your area, as they say, "Yeah baby, get some!"