There’s yet another breakfast cereal on the shelves of my local Safeway - Kellogg’s Crunchy Nut. From what I’ve read, it’s a very popular cereal in the UK but only recently came to the US. I bought a box of the Golden Honey Nut variety, which has corn flakes covered with honey and topped with peanuts (it also comes in an Os variety called Roasted Nut and Honey). The honey and nuts give it a very crunchy texture, one of the most crunchy that you’ll find in any cereal. It easily stays crunchy all the way to the bottom of the bowl. Crunchy Nut is marketed as a tasty cereal for adults. Accordingly, it’s not overly sweet like kids cereals often are. On top of honey-covered corn flakes are small bits of peanuts … very small. No doubt the peanuts are the most expensive ingredient in the cereal, so they are applied sparingly. Even so, you do get a bit of peanut flavor in each bite. As tasty as Crunchy Nut is, it has a bit more more sugar compared to the cereals I usually eat, so it will probably only be an occasional purchase.
Phoood rating:
3 out of 4 stars. I usually eat Crunchy Raisin Bran or Corn Flakes so I thought I would give these a try. Nice flavor, a little sweet for my taste but not bad. Right now there is a $1 off two boxes coupon on the box which lowers the price a bit. Not sure I would buy again without coupon as there are other granola type cereals out there that are better values in my opinion.
Posted by: Linus at August 20, 2011 11:18 AMSomewhat outrageous plus a really big disappointment, I have not been able to enjoy a bowl of cereal for about five years now because of breakdown of the protein enzymes in both pasturized and homogenized milk. Admittedly, I have attempted to enjoy a bowl of cereal using diluted carnation milk but the days of grabbing a giant bowl , filling it cereal then a gallon of pasturized or homogenized milk right at this moment is a thing of the past. As a kid, I loved eating all different types of cereal and would hate to see cereal especially the ones deemed too sugary leave the breakfast and cereal aisle . First of all, dried cereals could be used as a trial mix in place of candies and chocolate so let's dis-spell the myth that sugary cereals are bad.Second, it isnt the cereal it is the protein enzymes in the milk that rotts teeth. Furthermore, eating dried cereal in place of chocolate, movie candy, even cookies is a much healthier option. Lastly,I'd like to see Almond Delight back on stores.
Posted by: cacjohnson at August 26, 2011 10:02 PMTo me this seems more like the re-introduction of an old cereal rather than a new cereal. When I was a kid in the 80s, one of my favorite cereals was Kellogg's Honey and Nut Corn Flakes. This tastes an awful lot like the taste I remember. Although it's a bit on the sweet side (I guess I'm more intolerant of sugar in my old age), these nut and honey covered corn flakes taste really good, whether you're a kid or just a kid at heart.
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