April 20, 2009

Fast Food: Ads vs. Reality

arby1.jpg arby2.jpgIt’s been one of my pet peeves for years, and now someone has documented it with pictures. I don’t expect the fast food I buy to look exactly like the pictures in the advertisements. After all, there's a reason I'm only paying 99 cents for that burrito. But, it would be nice if the companies put just a little more effort into serving items that resemble the picture they are showing us – or stop showing unrealistic pictures of food we’ll never actually see in real life.

Fast Food: Ads vs. Reality [via Lifehacker]

Posted by Jim on April 20, 2009

OMG!!!! that so looks like the last one I bought..Nasty....

Posted by: Racquel at April 20, 2009 6:42 PM

You don't have to accept what you get, I have gone to Subway before and requested that they make their sandwiches the same way they look on the billboards. The manager usually will do it because they don't want any trouble. Its false advertising if they don't. I've had to give people a lot of crap for it at times, but I always prevail.

Posted by: Rob at April 21, 2009 6:42 PM

Yikes! The Arby's where I live makes their stuff to order so it never looks as bad as your picture. Demand a do-over!!

Posted by: Molly at April 23, 2009 8:07 PM

I get why they do it, so I'm only really bothered when it is absolutely clear that they aren't even using the same thing in the REAL sandwich compared to the image. At least use the prettiest version of the REAL THING that you can doctor up. XD

Posted by: Thrillhouse at April 24, 2009 12:52 PM

One has to remember that these are thing that have been wrapped. Of course, they are not going to look the same. If you are looking for presentation the you should not be going to a fast food location.

Posted by: Gomez at April 29, 2009 8:17 PM

One has to remember that these are thing that have been wrapped. Of course, they are not going to look the same. If you are looking for presentation the you should not be going to a fast food location.

Posted by: Gomez at April 29, 2009 8:17 PM

I work in a fast food restaurant and trust me when I tell you no matter what we do it will never look like it does in the ads. mostly because the people hired to photograph the ad have never worked as a line cook and aren't even useing real food. They use plastic and fabric, they spray the items with gloss to make it look nice. No matter how hard you try it is impossible to to make the item look the same. Your food is also assembled in less than 60seconds most of the time.
The company I work for requires(per corporate standards) a hamburger sandwich to be assembled and placed in the heat chute in 19 seconds how I ask can one meet an apperance, painstakingly achieved by professional food artists, to match a teen ager who is making minimum wage. I also think as one of the previous people stated that your food is wrapped and bagged and tossed into your passenger seat before you get a look at it.All of which effects the appearence. You get what you pay for if you want gourmet then get out of the drive thru and either pay 3 time the price or better yet stay home and make it yourself for a change.

Posted by: anjali at May 4, 2009 1:15 AM

I agree with the above statement.
It's not like people in the fast food restaurant business don't try their hardest.
Granted, some of them don't, but some really do work their job as they should.
I thought it was a known fact that they gloss sandwiches and have rows of them for shoots to get the perfect picture...

Posted by: Lorraine at July 15, 2009 7:11 PM

that is f***ing disgusting!

Posted by: $exy$ucker at June 25, 2010 11:24 AM
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