March 14, 2008

Carl’s Jr. Chili Cheese Burger

chiliburger.jpgCarl’s Jr. never stops coming up with great ideas for their burgers. It’s one of the reason’s I like them so much, even though their advertising is often juvenile and crude. The newest addition to their menu is the chili cheese burger, available with single, double, or six-dollar patties. I recently ate a double, along with an order of chili cheese fries and a diet Coke (I have to watch my caloric intake, you know…). I had hoped that the burger would taste like one from Tommy’s, and it wasn’t too far off. The American cheese was melted into gooey goodness by the heat of the chili. The chili itself was tasty, but there wasn’t nearly enough of it. It didn’t drip down my hands and all over my shirt like I hoped that it would. Also, I thought it was a little heavy on the mustard. Overall, the burger is pretty good. More chili and less mustard, however, would make it a near-heavenly burger.

Phoood rating: Good.gif

Posted by Jim on March 14, 2008

totally agree, the mustard was a terrible addition and i make sure to order it without every time.

My only other quarrel with this burger is how slippery the chili was, couldn't keep the bun on straight

Posted by: jdeuel at March 14, 2008 8:00 AM

They call it Hardee's in the Midwest. When I get a burger craving, I always go there. Even if they come up with odd combinations, their ingredients are higher quality.

Posted by: Red Icculus at March 15, 2008 12:54 PM

although the Hardees assumption is mostely true, you'll find that there are a lot of things at hardees that carls jr doesn't have, like roast beef sandwiches

the more you know!

Posted by: jdeuel at March 16, 2008 12:27 AM

Nice to see the good review; but in you're in SoCal, Tommy's is THE place for a chili cheeseburger even if Carl's has better patties. No shortage of chili there.

Posted by: Transplanted Lawyer at March 18, 2008 3:14 PM

Just tried one - pretty tasty, but as an earlier poster stated, if you're in SoCal, NOTHING tops Tommy's...don't even try and go In 'N Out...Tommy's is a heart attack on a tray, and just try eating there without a napkin (or a defibrilator)...

Posted by: Tom at June 20, 2008 11:22 PM

hardee's and carl's aren't the same chain.
and i nearly lost my future husband when i ordered a tommy's without chili. after 23 years he's forgiven me, but not forgotten.
like chili, like burgers. just not on the same bun!

uh, sorry, been lurking, decided it was time to speak up!

Posted by: bionic bunny! at June 24, 2008 8:10 PM

Pretty much let down by this. Wienerschnitzel guy myself and because they've known chili for years, it was tough for Carl's to step in and come up with something comparable. Tasted like cheesy ground beef on top of more ground beef. And pickles *and* mustard mixed with chili??

Back to the whiteboard, Carl's.

Posted by: RickyRialto at July 1, 2008 1:18 AM
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