I found these new Doritos Black Pepper Jack (“Limited Time Only,” it says on the bag…) at the neighborhood Kwik-E-Mart late one night. The chips attempt to combine the tastes of black pepper and pepper jack cheese. Did the folks at Doritos ever think that maybe this was too much pepper flavor? Pepper dominates the chips, with the cheese flavor pretty much indiscernible. Unfortunately, the chips taste too much like several of the other Doritos flavors. I give Doritos credit for trying to come up with something new, but these chips left me a bit dissapointed.
Phoood rating:
I have seem to like the black pepper jack Doritos.
Posted by: Muse at February 1, 2009 6:00 AMIam from montreal,quebec and for some reason the black pepper jack doritos has disappeared from store shelves.Ilove those chips.If there is some one out there who can locate a store or dep.that carries them pleeeaaase e-mail the location.Montreal.
Posted by: kevin at March 18, 2009 9:16 PM