August 20, 2012

Burger King BK Bacon Burger

rsz_1burger_king_bk_bacon_burger.jpgHaving dealt with a severe burger craving all day, I decided to stop by Burger King and try out their new BK Bacon Burger. Now I'll be honest here... Burger King isn't exactly at the top of my list when it comes to fast food. I can hardly remember the last time I even went there. Needless to say, my expectations weren't very high. But as it turns out, the BK Bacon Burger actually tastes pretty good. The patty was thin but still meaty, there was an adequate amount of chewy bacon, and there was a strong bite to the onions. The ketchup and mayo prevented things from getting too dry. However, what really matters is whether or not I'm willing to purchase this again. The only draw here is the cheap price, as this item doesn't bring anything new to the table. Also it would take several of these to fill me up, so I'd be spending some more money anyway. I can't really imagine myself ordering multiple BK Bacon Burgers when I could easily buy one larger, higher quality burger for around the same price. Although this is by no means a bad-tasting sandwich, there's not much to keep me coming back for more.

Phoood rating: So-so

Posted by Jin | Comments (0)

August 13, 2012

Red Baron Pepperoni Deep Dish Singles Pizza

redbarondeepdish.jpgAnyone who knows me well knows that I love pizza. I used to say that there’s no such thing as bad pizza, but I stopped saying that after I ate an especially bad Pizza! Pizza! from a certain pizza purveyor that will go unnamed. But I’m no pizza snob. I like frozen pizzas almost as much as I like the delicious pizza at the old-school Italian pizzeria near where I live. And one of my favorite frozen pizzas is Red Baron Pepperoni Deep Dish Singles. To be honest, the pizza’s toppings are only average. The sauce, cheese, and pepperoni are okay, but nothing special. It’s the pizza’s crust that really stands out. When the pizza is cooked in a conventional oven (please, please do not cook them in a microwave oven…), the crust is crispy and golden brown on the outside and buttery tender on the inside. It reminds me more of a pastry than a pizza crust. It’s definitely the best crust of any frozen pizza that I’ve ever eaten. The pizzas are small, but fortunately they come two to a box. One box makes a mighty nice meal, with plenty of room for dessert (or more pizza!).

Phoood rating: Outstanding!

Posted by Jim | Comments (0)

August 8, 2012

Hawaiian Sweet Maui Onion Kettle Style Potato Chips

rsz_haw_ket_chips_sweetmauionion225.jpgMany great things can come to mind when you think of Hawaii. One of the last things you're likely to envision is potato chips. As it turns out though, Hawaiian Kettle Style Potato Chips are among the best you'll find anywhere. One of the first things I noticed about this particular brand is that just about every chip is consistently crispy. As I chomped down into each piece, I could audibly hear every crunch and crackle. With the Sweet Maui Onion flavor, a healthy dose of onion powder can be found sprinkled on every serving. A hint of sugar adds the perfect amount of sweetness to balance out the saltiness. As soon as I had my fill, I couldn't help but lick the oniony, garlicky residue off of my fingers. You may not have the funds necessary to travel to Hawaii, but you owe it to yourself to go out and buy a bag of these immediately so as to imagine yourself on a relaxing vacation while happily munching on these chips.

Phoood rating: Outstanding!

Posted by Jin | Comments (2)