After working a long shift at work today, I was desperate for a caffeine boost. So after quickly browsing through the many options at a local gas station, I decided on a flavor of Mountain Dew that I had never tried before. After doing some research, it seems as though the standard Mountain Dew Supernova was actually part of the first “DEWmocracy” promotion in 2007 and now the diet version has made its way back to stores as the winner of the most recent contest. So, how did it taste? Well initially, I was surprised at how fruity it was for a diet-flavored soda. I could definitely taste a little bit of strawberry in there, but unfortunately the bitter aftertaste associated with artificial sweeteners reared its ugly head. To be honest, I think that it was far worse here than in any other diet soda I've had. If you're one of those people who can stand the taste of aspartame, then this might interest you. As for me, this is a perfect reminder as to why I stay away from diet soda.
Phoood rating:
Im with you on this one.i hate diet pop.
Posted by: sharyl at February 29, 2012 9:51 AMIM BACK YALL ! Watch out fa da BIG GUUH ! Dis ishh was N A S T Y ! Kinda tasted like feet ! But i liked it doe !!! I LOVE da taste of feet, especially Slinks... :) bye bye !
- big guh .