In my experience, most ice cream bars are not very high quality products - marginal ice cream, questionable coatings, etc. The new line of Magnum premium ice cream bars, however, are a welcome exception. One bite of a Magnum Double Chocolate bar and your expectations of ice cream bars will never be the same. It’s chocolate ice cream covered in chocolate, then a layer of chocolate sauce, and finally an outer layer of Belgian milk chocolate. Each layer of chocolate has its own distinct texture and flavor that complement each other very well. The result is a chocolatey synergy that you wouldn’t expect to find in the frozen food section of your supermarket. The bar is utterly delicious, and hardcore chocoholics will find it intoxicating. It’s a bit more expensive then most other ice cream bars, but it’s worth every penny. After eating a Magnum bar, you probably won’t think about buying one of those budget ice cream bars again. If there was ever a product worthy of Phoood’s highest rating, it’s the Magnum Double Chocolate ice cream bar.
Phoood rating:
Agreed, these are absolutely fantastic. They have at least 4 flavors that I've seen so far & I have liked them all. Double Chocolate is the best followed by Almond.
Posted by: Rumaine at February 26, 2012 1:14 PMThis is the only product that completely meets my need for chocolate. It is perfect!
Posted by: Janelle at March 26, 2012 9:54 PMi have tried the magnum line of ice cream bars, and perhaps i was expecting something different...or maybe i'm used to poorly made ice cream bars, and i just can't reckon with better made products or not. to my tastebuds, the ice cream, lacked a vanilla flavor. the chocolate was a little off-tasting, as well. all in all, the products left me wanting, and not i'm not quite sure what exactly for. if i try them next time, maybe i'll come away with a different take on them...sadly, for now, i will go back to the "other" guys stuff. i wish i could recommend magnum, but i just can't.
Posted by: ghost marine at July 26, 2012 1:42 AM