As I was perusing through the vending machine at work today, I caught a glimpse of these Honey BBQ Flavored Cheetos Puffs. They sounded interesting enough to me, so I decided to grab a bag and try it out. My expectations were somewhat high due to the fact that I've had some pretty good Cheetos products in the past, and sadly these fell short. I should start out by saying that I'm not a real big fan of Cheetos Puffs to begin with. They just seem to be mostly filled with air and not have as much cheese powder compared to Crunchy Cheetos. While eating these, I had a very difficult time trying to make out any sort of BBQ flavor and the sweetness of honey was just not there. It was one of those instances where I had to eat a whole bunch of something in order for the flavor to accumulate in my mouth. If anything, I felt like I was eating a bunch of corn meal with a few sprinklings of cheese and BBQ powder mixed in. If you're expecting something similar to what you might find slathered on some chicken wings, you'll probably find out that these don't even come close.
Phoood rating: