May 13, 2011

Krusteaz Chocolate Chunk Cookie Mix

krusteazcookie2.jpgEven though good chocolate chip cookies are very easy to make, sometimes it makes sense to take the easier route and use a cookie mix. It’s quicker and there’s not as many things that need to be cleaned when you’re done. The problem is that the pre-made cookie mixes that I’ve used have not resulted in very good cookies. They’re okay, but nothing to be proud of. Krusteaz Chocolate Chunk Cookie Mix, however, makes cookies that are - dare I say it - as good, if not better than most made-from-scratch cookies that I’ve eaten. Really, they are so good that I doubt I will ever make homemade chocolate chip cookies again. When baked for just the right amount of time (the key to any great cookie...), the cookies have a firm exterior and chewy interior, just as they should. They have a good amount of chocolate in them, too. Sit down with a pile of these cookies and a tall glass of cold milk and you’ll be in heaven.

Phoood rating: Outstanding!

Posted by Jim on May 13, 2011
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