May 7, 2007

Skippy Natural Peanut Butter

skippynatural.jpgIn my ongoing quest to find food that is both tasty and at least minimally healthy, I have tried several different types of “natural” peanut butters. Most of them are average at best, and in some cases are barely edible. Skippy Natural peanut butter, however, is delicious. It is so similar to “regular” peanut butter that you may not even tell the difference. And, unlike most natural peanut butters, there is no need to stir it or keep it in the refrigerator so that the oil doesn’t settle at the top. I happen to prefer the Super Chunk variety, but the creamy variety is just as good. Highly recommended for all your peanut butter needs, including as pretzel dip, in a fluffernutter sandwich, or spread on top of saltine crackers.

Phoood rating: Outstanding!

Posted by Jim on May 7, 2007 | TrackBack

"Natural?" Look closer at the label to see the sugar and palm oil. Last time I looked, "natural" peanut butter contained only peanuts, and maybe some salt. The reason it does not have to be stirred is the palm oil, high in saturated fats which cause high cholesterol. It is also an ingredient in Napalm, although I certainly don't expect the peanut butter to explode into fiery death. :) I eat natural peanut butter because I am trying to lose sugar from my diet, or at least "stealth" sugar. Good thing I read labels! The word "Natural" has no legal or qualitative meaning in advertising.
I give Skippy "Natural" a :(

Posted by: Ed at July 7, 2007 11:43 PM

Agreed! I keep a can at my desk :)

Posted by: Reid at July 11, 2007 3:22 PM

I agree with Reid. I pulled this product off the shelf and tossed it in my cart. When I got home, I tried it out and the taste was fine but a look at the label told me I had been duped into buying the less expensive version of "natural" peanut butter because of the word natural on the label. The creamy smooth texture gave it away. I didn't look a the label until I saw how processed the peanut butter looked.
Shame on Skippy for tricking us. Shame on me for not going to my faithful Smuckers brand.

Posted by: Shaun at May 24, 2008 6:39 AM

It is up to you, the consumer, to read the label. I think it is a great product. No hydrogenated oils. It IS natural, palm oil is a product of mother nature, is it not? And it is truly the best tasting peanut butter next to the regular Skippy. It is not a trick when the contents are on the label. Shame on YOU for not using your ability to READ.

Posted by: Lola at August 7, 2008 2:58 PM

Well you are all right - natural has no legal meaning, we should all read labels, and sugar makes everything taste good. Lola should have added using google in addition to reading labels, because palm oil is not always a product of mother nature. Fortunately, the kind of palm oil used by Skippy is can be extracted without hydrocarbons, so this is a fine oversweetened snack.

Posted by: gb at August 27, 2008 8:59 AM

I bought this to try, we had been using all natural pb. The one with peanuts and salt only. We will be going back to the real natural. I looked up palm oil and it is at room temperature, semi-solid which means it is a legal way to get around the words "trans-fat".

Posted by: ArmyReserveWife at September 13, 2008 9:20 AM

I like this peanut butter. I think it is a great compromise for those who want to be more healthy without giving up taste.

Although the pureists would not consider it truly naturally, it works for me. And this peanut butter contains no transfats.

Posted by: Gail at January 19, 2009 11:19 AM

Quoting ArmyReserveWife:

"I bought this to try, we had been using all natural pb. The one with peanuts and salt only. We will be going back to the real natural. I looked up palm oil and it is at room temperature, semi-solid which means it is a legal way to get around the words "trans-fat"."

--I must correct you on your idea of a trans fat. Just because something looks like a duck, or walks like a duck...does not make it a duck. A trans fat is formed usually by taking an unsaturated (often times liquid like) fat and saturating it with hydrogen (hydrogenation). By only partially hydrogenating the liquid fat, a trans fat is formed...not good.

Palm oil contains a higher saturated fat (the firmer fats) that contributes to its more stable, solid at room-temperature, state. It occurs like this in nature. The palm plants are not hydrogenating their own oils to help companies with their legal wording.


Posted by: Jared at February 10, 2009 10:32 AM

It DOES contain trabs fat people!

Trough a law loophole Unilevers trade group lobbied the FDA: as long as each SERVING contains less than .05 grams trans fat they can say it contains NO transfat. It is a lie.

If you have a 14 serving container, that means you could be getting a total of 6 grams or so of trans fat in the whole container.

The label is bold font no trans fat, they got that little hard to read asterix that clarifies "per serving". This has nothing to do with purists or tree huggers, it is truth in advertising issue.

Skippy is like the wall street bankers---they lie and our children will pay.

Posted by: shawnharmon at February 24, 2009 11:26 AM

Quit trying to incite a panic. Nearly every intelligent business will put the asterisk next to their "No Trans Fat" statement. Trans fats, most often, come from partially hydrogenated oils...which Skippy Natural contains none of. Skippy Natural is not bad for you..and just as it natural. Palm oil contains no trans fats, which leaves only two other ingredients on the label: Peanuts and salt. I don't know about you, but those ingredients don't frighten me.

If you are so concerned,educate yourself a little further about the negative effects of man made trans fats. Did you know Pomegranates naturally contain trans fats? How about many milk and meat products of ruminant animals? There is now beginning to be a distinction between good and bad trans fats, same with cholesterol.

By all means please keep informing people about the negative health effects of trans fats, but please educate yourself and don't spread ignorance.

Posted by: Jared at February 27, 2009 11:44 AM

Skippy Natural is natural but unhealthy due to the Palm Oil. This oil is highly saturated, clogs arteries and should be avoided or limited in use.

So to prevent consumers from having to stir the oil, the company uses an unhealthy ingredient and markets it as a healthy, natural alternative.

Posted by: Jeff at October 29, 2009 12:15 PM

Pure palm oil is not unhealthy and Skippy Natural does not use much anyway.
It is much like virgin coconut oil which is saturated fat, but has a lot of health benefits.
It tastes better than most home-made peanut butters and is just as good for you.

Posted by: George at October 5, 2010 5:24 AM

I really like to eat Natural PB. I do realize that Skippy throws in a small amount of other ingredients. I see the added sugar but there is only 3g per serving. Quite honestly, unless you are living on this stuff, I don't see the problem with it having a little bit of Palm Oil. It is actually worth it to me to make it more spreadable.

For those out there that are purists, that is fine. I guess if I were being a purist, I would buy peanuts in bulk and toss them in my food processor to make my own peanut butter.

I also see why they use the word natural. There is nothing artificial (HFCS, for example) in this peanut butter. If there is, I would love to know about it.

Posted by: Mary at November 30, 2010 10:33 AM

Nothing is natural if it has been refined, processed, heated, or nuked. I would like to see a video that shows the entire manufacturing, processing, and packaging process from start to finish.

Posted by: Neutral Party at October 1, 2014 5:24 AM

Ha ha you people are nit-picking a couple grams of sugar and somd random oil in the Jif? Have you tried it?! Cut the coca-cola (like 40 grams of HFCS/serving) and some of the other refined carbs out of your diet and you'll be fine. Holy smoke the Jif Natural is crazy delicious! Embrace it people life is too short not to enjoy stuff like this and you're not going to live forever anyway. Mad props to Jif/Hormel for making this really can just spoon it out of the jar and stuff it in your face.

Posted by: P FRYE at December 8, 2014 8:56 PM
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