September 17, 2004

Diet Rockstar Energy Cola

No-Image.jpgAs I’ve said before, I’m a big fan of Rockstar Energy Drink and Rockstar Energy Cola. Yesterday, I found new Diet Rockstar Energy Cola at a local truck stop. While it is not the worst thing I’ve ever drank, I doubt I’ll ever buy one again. It has a weak cola flavor that reminded me of Diet Rite or Tab. The “energy drink” flavor is barely noticeable, which may be good or bad depending on your preference. If I didn’t know it was an energy drink, I would have thought that it was just a bad-tasting diet cola. Overall, Diet Rockstar Energy Cola is a disappointing addition to the Rockstar lineup.

Phoood rating: Don't Waste Your Money

Posted by Jim on September 17, 2004 | TrackBack

This is the absolute most disgusting diet energy drink. It made me sick!

Posted by: breanna at September 21, 2005 4:11 PM

Diet Rock Star is the drink of the Gods couldn't have graduated without it

Posted by: Dave at September 16, 2006 2:27 PM
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